Formatron v0.4.2
Formatron empowers everyone to control the output format of language models with minimal overhead.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NconfigConfiguration classes for Formatron
 CEngineGenerationConfigConfiguration for how an KBNF engine should be used in text generation
 NextractorExtractors for extracting data from generated strings
 CChoiceExtractorAn extractor that uses multiple extractors to extract data
 CExtractorAn abstract extractor that extracts data from a string and offers its KBNF rules definition
 CLiteralExtractorAn extractor that extracts a literal string
 CNonterminalExtractorAn extractor that extracts data corresponding to a nonterminal
 CSubstringExtractorAn extractor that extracts a substring of a given string from the input string
 NformatsThis subpackage contains modules that operate with concrete formats, like json
 NjsonThe module defines the JsonExtractor class, which is used to extract data from a string in JSON format
 CJsonExtractorAn extractor that loads json data to an object from a string
 NregexThis module contains the RegexExtractor class, which is used to extract data using a regular expression
 CRegexExtractorAn extractor that extracts a string using a regular expression
 NformatterThis module contains the Formatter class and its related classes
 CFormatterBaseAn abstract Formatter that enforces a format on the string generated by a language model
 CFormatterBuilderA builder for creating a Formatter
 NintegrationsThis subpackage contains integrations with other frameworks and libraries
 Nexllamav2This module integrates the ExLlamaV2 library by providing convenience utilities
 CFormatterFilterExLlamaV2Filter that uses a formatter to mask logits
 NRWKVThis module integrates the RWKV library by providing convenience utilities
 CPIPELINEA wrapper for the pipeline of RWKV
 CPIPELINE_ARGSA wrapper for the arguments of the pipeline of RWKV
 NtransformersThis module integrates the transformers library by providing convenience utilities
 CFormattersLogitsProcessorLogit processor that uses formatters to mask batch logits
 NvllmThis module integrates the vllm library by providing convenience utilities
 CFormattersLogitsProcessorLogit processor that uses formatters to mask batch logits
 NschemasThis subpackage contains modules that define schemas creation from various sources
 Ndict_inferenceThis module contains utilities for inferring schemas from dictionaries
 Njson_schemaThis module contains utilities for creating schemas from JSON schemas
 NpydanticA module that implements the Schema interface using pydantic
 CClassSchemaA wrapper for pydantic BaseModel that implements the Schema interface
 CFieldInfoA wrapper for pydantic FieldInfo
 NschemaThis module contains the Schema abstract class and FieldInfo abstract class
 CSchemaAn abstract schema that describes some data